Custom Trainer name and Gender
New Game save with the following:
All 251 Pokemon preloaded in PC
95X of items (not all fit, let us know what you need most)
Max pokedollars & coins
Custom Trainer name and Gender
no box or case included, reach out after you order if you need one.

Most games ship in 6-8 business days with USPS from California.
We give you an eta when to expect tracking & and your tracking number by email.
Once we plan your game with our staff, we shoot you an email when to expect your tracking number.
All games are shipped in a bubble mailer with our packaging, no box.

Is Celebi included?
Yes. And the GS ball for you to get your own.
As you play the game more higher levels will. The OT of the Pokemon will be set as the one you requested.
Whatever you request as the trainer name.
If you have the hardware yes, all we did was move the Pokemon into your PC to use.
This will act as any other legitimate game.
This game came out in 2000, the cartridge and label will be considered "Accetable"
Its a preowned used game. We make sure the pins work as expected and clean it for you. Its an original authentic game for the Gameboy Color
Yes, please read "what is the quality of the game"
Its an original authentic game for the Gameboy Color
No we do not change anything with the game besides what we offer in this listing.
I want an ETA
Reach out in 48 hours if you haven't heard from our team with one already.
Ships with tracking from California.
This listing is of a used game with preloaded ingame items and content. What is included may change over time making photos, videos and listings outdated. If you need anything clarified, its best to ask after you order and when we reach out. Lootdelivered does not claim ownership of any trademark, IP or process.