A Living Pokedex - Its a fan term that means that you will have every pokemon ever released in this game. That will be at least 251 Unique and legal pokemon from 1996-2000. Each pokemon were caught at one point in the wild and are legally duplicated.
Max items - we will give you as many items as the game allows and has.
All currency, BP, ETC. If you can have money, it will be maxed.

Can these Pokémon go online and Can these Pokémon be transferred?
Yes! Since we use authentic games, your Pokémon can be uploaded online, traded to other games and played for decades. You will need to go through the apps and hardware Nintendo supports to do this, each game can be different on their transfer methods.
Were these Pokémon Hacked?
No Cheating device has been used. Pokémon were acquired through legal means and procedures. Each Pokémon is duplicated from our original bank of Pokémon.
Can you change the Pokémon for me?
You can always reach out and ask for a request, but it will need to be approved. Asking us to change Pokémon is hacking. Although it is in our toolbox and we can do this for you, there is always a risk of the Pokémon not being able to go on the internet now or in the future.
Are the Pokémon ev trained?
Each of our games have a unique bank of Pokémon we use. Natures and moves are impossible to track on that scale. IV is improved without hacking equipment as much as possible. Please keep in mind items can have the opportunity to impact EV training depending on the game.
What level are these Pokémon?
These Pokémon were legal (see below at “were these Pokémon Hacked?”). That means the Pokémon you receive from us are not edited to be a certain level. Not all of them will be level 5 and not all of them will be level 100. Keep in mind you will have Rare Candy in bulk to raise levels of your favorite Pokémon.
What are the custom requests I can make?
Available options without the use of hacking:
Trainer Name:
Trainer OT:
Trainer Gender:
Shiny or Nonshiny set of pokemon.
New Game save only.
Default: Ash, Ash, Male, Shiny (if you do not leave anything)
This listing is of a used game with preloaded ingame items and content. What is included may change over time making photos, videos and listings outdated. If you need anything clarified, its best to ask after you order and when we reach out. Lootdelivered does not claim ownership of any trademark, IP or process.